Fit Kits

Players can try on a uniform kit at the MSC Snack Shack Monday-Friday 3:30-7:30PM.

Uniform Numbering Policy

  • Numbers are assigned by team at the coach’s discretion.

  • There may not be a duplicate of the same number on a team.

  • If there is player movement during the year or at tryouts, the year following a new kit purchase, it is the responsibility of the player that is moving, whether up or down, to purchase a new set of jerseys if there is a duplicate on their new team.

  • Players that remain on a team during a purchase year have seniority to retain their jersey number over players that are moving teams or new to the club. Otherwise, there is no seniority or team level priority to a number. Should there be a discrepancy between two or more new players to a team, a coin toss by the coach will take place to determine priority. 


Equipment Director: Gregory DePaco

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